Day 9: A-OK from the Doctor
Big activity of the day was a visit to the doctor for a medical check-up (a US visa requirement). It took only 20 minutes. They checked height and weight (74 cm, 10 kg), eyes-ears-nose-throat, and a quick check with a stethoscope. Keira got the thumbs-up.
Then, the three of us took a taxi on our own to a local Wal-Mart style store that also included a full grocery store. When we travel internationally this is as good as a museum for us. We wander the aisles looking at what the locals buy and for how much. Without Amy to translate I got to use my phrase book to find the food section. Rather than try to pronounce the words, I just pointed. It worked.
After carrying her in the hip-hammock for about 20 minutes in the store, I decided to try putting her in the shopping cart. She was great in it. She sat up, didn't fuss and looked all around, seeming to enjoy the adventure. Of course we got lots of stares. We had been told to expect it.

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