Going to China
We had been told that once we received our referral, it would be 7-8 weeks before we travel to China to get her. Well, since the referral was delayed so long our adoption paperwork is about to expire - on Jan. 5th. So, the adoption coordinator and our agency are trying to get us to China and back before the end of the year! Holy Smokes! We might be leaving for China on Dec. 18th.
We are SO not-ready. Haven't bought all the stuff we need to take; haven't painted the baby's room; nor gotten all the furniture and gear we need. We just assumed we'd have nearly two months to do the last minute things.
Oh My Gosh! Just got a call from Kelsey...she was just talking to Xiaoqing...we are picking up the baby on the 18th! Looks like we're leaving for China on 12/16. This is freaking me out in the totally awesome sort of way. Eleven days to parenthood. I'm going to faint.
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