Bob & Kelsey's Adoption
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
We have a name!
While in Florida for Christmas we went to see Pride & Prejudice staring Keira Knightly. After the movie we were all discussing names and everyone loved Keira. So that's it. Keira it is!
posted by Bob Lane @
11:21 AM
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Latest Activities
Gotcha, Keira!!!!!! 12/19/06
Landed in Guangzhou 12/18/06
Left San Jose 12/16/06
Referral! 11/30/06
LID 9/14/05 (log-in-date)
DTC 8/25/05 (dossier to China)
Received I-171H from BCIS!!
Initial docs sent to translator (6/20)
CIS fingerprints done (6/18)
Package sent to CIS (5/25)
Received Homestudy Approval! (5/17)
Finally!! All docs for agency done!! (4/12)
Rec'd new set of paperwork hell to do!!
Completed all Social Worker visits
Submitted Agency Agreement
Completed Financial Statement
Rec'd Reference letters
Completed Med. Exams
Rec'd Health Insurance ltr.
Rec'd Birth Cert. - Kelsey
Rec'd Marriage Certificate
Requested Reference Letters
Rec'd Employement Verif. - notarized
Wrote Family Desc. - B & K
Ordered Birth Certs. - B & K
Ordered Marriage Cert. (1/18/05)
Decided to Go-For-It! (1/16/05)
Attended BAAS Orientation (1/15/05)
Previous Posts
Q & A
Delays :-(
The waiting game
Names again
Stage 2 Complete!
Application to CIS (formerly INS)
Stage 1 Complete !!
Bureaucratic Insanity x 8
Stage 1 Almost Done
New Names
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