Officially, we're done. This afternoon we went to the U.S. Consulate to get Keira's visa to enter the States and to take the oath (promising that all the information we've supplied throughout the process is true). When we arrive in Los Angeles we have to go through the "Foreigners" line at customs. But, as soon as we pass through that check-point Keira will be a U.S. citizen!

Before going to the consulate, I went to Qingping (ching-ping) market, one of China's largest and most famous old style markets. It was only about a 1/2 mile walk from our hotel. Kelsey and Keira stayed at the hotel. According to the guidebook Qingping has "medicines, spices, vegetables, dried seafood, grains, fish, meat and live animals, including cats, dogs, and endangered species." It covers several square blocks with dozens of tiny (4 feet wide) alleys in-between. I was a little nervous, but pressed on for the adventure.

The first thing I saw was a man laying out on the wide sidewalk two 5x5 ft tarps covered with sea horses to dry in the sun (that is, to dry in the pollution hazy daylight). The next thing I noticed was that there was not a single Caucasian anywhere. I walked around for an hour completely immersed in a true Chinese cultural experience. None of this was put on for the tourists. See more pics at
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Since we're done I called the airlines and changed our flight to one day earlier. YAY! We're going home on Friday, December 29th.
We have a booty problem - we have more booty from our shopping trips than will fit in the bags. We've been loading up shopping bags with left over supplies to leave in the playroom as free. Things like extra diapers, unopened juice boxes, some clothes that don't fit, etc. Trying to make room in the suitcases. It's a challenge.
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