May: 9 days, 6/7/05 to 6/15/05
Latest message from Xiaoqing:
Dear Bob and Kelsey:This is a bit faster than last month. We'll see where it goes. At this rate (9 days per month) it will be about 9 months to referral.
Just want to let you know that CCAA has finished the matching of children to families whose dossiers were registered at CCAA on June 15th of 2005. It is slow but it keeps on moving forward.
I will let you know the status for the next month referral.
Please hang in there.
6/15/05 to 9/15/05 = 91 days. 91 d / 9 d/mo = 10.1 months
10.1 months from May 2006 =
Mar 2007 for referral, May 2007 travel to China