When it rains, it pours
The two week period starting around Tuesday, 11/21/06 must be understood in a "whole-life" context. So far, this blog has focused on adoption activities and events without mentioning other stuff going on. But, as the old saying goes, when it rains it pours. So, to understand the impact of getting our referral for Keira you have to have some idea of what was going on in our lives at the same time.
Tue 11/21/06 Kelsey admitted to Emergency Room for severe abdominal pain. At the ER for over 13 hours. Prognosis - full recovery with strong antibiotics. However, pain persists for two weeks.
Thurs 11/23/06 Thanksgiving dinner for Kelsey consisted of squash soup and mashed potatoes.
Fri 11/24 - 12/1 Canceled vacation to Palm Springs with Bob's parents and sister.
Sun 11/26 Panko (the dog) ate (and ingested) large bits off a plastic bone. Wondered, should we take him to the doggie ER? He threw up the bits a day and a half later. Bob washed off the bits and reconstructed the bone to ensure all the big pieces were accounted for.
Sun 11/26 Xiaoqing (adoption coordinator) called. She expects our referral (child assignment) will be here this week or next. By the way, your fingerprints are already expired. No one told you? Sorry.
Preparing house for Kelsey's annual client party scheduled for 12/2.
Mon 11/27 At BAAS to get updated fingerprint paperwork rolling. It can take 2-3 weeks to get a fingerprint appt.
Tue 11/28 Gardener who committed to plant new flowers for the party backed out at the last minute. Bob planted the flowers Wed, Thurs.
Wed 11/29 Main kitchen sink clogged. Called our regular plumber at 2:30 pm. He told us "I already quit work for the day. I'm in my relaxing clothes, relaxing on the couch." No kidding. Called the expensive guys, who turned out to be worth every penny.
Thur 11/30/2006 REFERRAL IS HERE! Go to the adoption agency and pick up your picture. Oh... and plan on leaving for China in three weeks, before your paperwork expires. And try to get new fingerprints in the next 14 days!